Authentication verifies a user’s identity before granting access to a system. Different authentication methods are suited for different use cases.
Types of Authentication
- JWT (JSON Web Token)
- Session & Cookies
- API Key
- OAuth 2.0
Authentication Choices
For APIs (RESTful, Microservices, Mobile Apps)
- Use JWT (JSON Web Token) for stateless authentication, eliminating session storage and allowing scalable API authentication.
- Use OAuth 2.0 for third-party authentication (Google, GitHub, Facebook) to let users log in without sharing credentials.
For Web Applications (SSR, Traditional Web Authentication)
- Use Session & Cookies for authentication in server-rendered applications, where sessions are managed on the server and automatically sent via cookies.
For Server-to-Server Communication
- Use API Keys when backend services need to authenticate requests with external APIs without user involvement.
JWT (JSON Web Token)
JWT is a stateless authentication mechanism where authentication data is stored in a signed token rather than in a session on the server.
How It Works:
- The user logs in, and the server generates a JWT.
- The client stores the JWT (e.g.,
or httpOnly Cookie
- On each request, the client includes the JWT in the