The <Image> component from next/image optimizes image loading, improves performance, and provides built-in features such as lazy loading, automatic resizing, and responsive behavior. It is preferred over the standard <img> tag for handling images in Next.js applications.

Basic Usage

import Image from "next/image";

export default function Example() {
  return <Image src="/example.jpg" alt="Example" width={500} height={300} />;

Automatic Optimization

Using Remote Images

For external images, the domain must be added to next.config.js.

module.exports = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: "https",
        hostname: "",
<Image src="<>" alt="Remote Image" width={500} height={300} />

Responsive Images

For images that need to scale within a container, use the fill prop instead of width and height.

<div className="relative w-64 h-40">
  <Image src="/example.jpg" alt="Example" fill className="object-cover" />

Blur Placeholder for Better UX