git config --global "Your Name" |
Sets your global Git username |
git config --global "[email protected]" |
Sets your global Git email |
git config --global core.editor "vim" |
Sets your default text editor for Git |
git config --list --show-origin |
Lists all Git configurations (system, global, local), plus file sources |
git config --global -l |
Shows global Git configuration |
git config --local -l |
Shows repository-specific (local) Git configuration |
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]" |
Generates an SSH key for authentication |
ssh -T [email protected] |
Tests SSH connection to GitHub |
git init |
Initializes a new Git repository in the current directory |
git clone <repository-url> |
Clones a remote repository |
git clone --depth=1 -b main <repository-url> |
Shallow clone only the latest commit from the main branch |
git remote add origin <repository-url> |
Adds a remote called origin to your local repository |
git remote -v |
Lists configured remote repositories |
git remote remove origin |
Removes the remote named origin |
git remote show origin |
Shows detailed info about the origin remote |
git remote rename <old-name> <new-name> |
Renames a remote |
git fetch |
Fetches updates from the remote repository without merging |
git push origin <branch> |
Pushes your local branch to the remote repository (origin) |
git pull origin <branch> |
Fetches and merges changes from the specified remote branch |
git branch |
Lists all local branches |
git branch -v |
Lists branches with their latest commit info |
git branch -vv |
Lists branches with detailed tracking info (which remote branch they’re connected to) |
git branch <branch-name> |
Creates a new branch |
git branch -d <branch-name> |
Deletes a local branch |
git branch -r |
Lists remote branches |
git branch -a |
Lists all branches (local + remote) |
git checkout <branch-name> |
Switches to another branch |
git checkout -b <branch-name> |
Creates and switches to a new branch |
git push origin --delete <branch-name> |
Deletes a remote branch from the server |
git merge <branch-name> |
Merges <branch-name> into the current branch |
git rebase <branch-name> |
Reapplies commits on top of <branch-name> (useful for a cleaner history) |
git cherry-pick <commit-hash> |
Applies a single commit from another branch into your current branch |
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main |
Sets the local main branch to track origin/main |
git add <file> |
Adds a specific file to the staging area |
git add . |
Adds all modified files to the staging area |
git commit -m "Commit message" |
Commits staged changes with a message |
git commit --amend -m "New commit message" |
Modifies the last commit message (or add changes to the last commit if you also staged new files) |
git commit --amend --no-edit |
Adds staged changes to the last commit without changing its message |
git pull origin <branch> |
Fetches and merges changes from <branch> on origin |
git fetch origin |
Fetches remote changes without merging them |
git push |
Pushes all committed changes to the remote (if already set) |
git push origin <branch> |
Pushes local <branch> to the remote repository |
git push -u origin main |
Pushes main and sets it to track origin/main |
git push --force |
Force-pushes changes (potentially overwriting remote history, use with caution) |
git push --set-upstream origin <branch> |
Sets a local branch to track a remote branch |
git status |
Shows the working directory and staging area status |
git log |
Displays the commit history |
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all |
Shows a concise, graphical commit history—very handy for visualizing branches |
git show <commit-hash> |
Shows details of a specific commit |
git diff |
Compares the working directory with the staging area |
git diff --staged |
Compares the staging area with the last commit |
git restore <file> |
Discards changes in the working directory for <file> (Git 2.23+) |
git checkout -- <file> |
Restores <file> to the last committed state |
git reset <file> |
Unstages a file (moves changes from staging back to working directory) |
git reset --hard |
Discards all local changes and resets to the last commit |
git reset --soft HEAD~1 |
Undoes the last commit but keeps changes staged (allows you to re-commit) |
git reset --hard HEAD~1 |
Undoes the last commit and discards all related changes |
git revert <commit-hash> |
Creates a new commit that undoes changes introduced by <commit-hash> |
git stash |
Saves your uncommitted changes |
git stash list |
Shows all saved stashes |
git stash pop |
Applies the most recent stash and removes it from the stash list |
git stash drop |
Removes the most recent stash without applying it |
git tag |
Lists all tags |
git tag <tag-name> |
Creates a lightweight tag |
git tag -a <tag-name> -m "Tag message" |
Creates an annotated tag |
git push origin <tag-name> |
Pushes a single tag to the remote repository |
git push origin --tags |
Pushes all local tags to the remote repository |
git clean -n |
Shows which untracked files would be deleted (preview) |
git clean -f |
Deletes untracked files |
git clean -fd |
Deletes untracked files and directories |